Building construction 2.1

Course contents

Lectures will deal with the integration of constructions made of different materials for supporting structure, shell and extension and their influence on the shape of a building. Main topics are construction methods of skeleton construction. The imparted basic knowledge is to be deepened by self-study in some areas. Several construction exercises serve the direct application of knowledge, the development of detailed collections and the preparation for the work on the Integrated Project Civil Engineering. At the beginning of the summer semester, the Integrated Project Construction Technology will begin. The contents covered in the lectures and exercises will be deepened and applied on the basis of the students' own design. The project work leads from the preliminary draft to the completion of a complex task ready for construction. The supervision is carried out by expert advisors (academic staff of the chair and architects/architects from practice).


Learning Objectives

The aim is to convey an understanding of the overall system of a building and the integration of the subsystems of structure, shell, finishing and technical equipment under the aspects of functionality, design and sustainability. The learning objective of structural design is to understand the interplay between design and construction, i.e. the development of integrated solutions as the actual creative process, and to convey an understanding of the immanent connection between design and construction. Design should not only be understood as the geometric and technical joining of components, but also as the development of a holistic sense structure for a building.

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